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Declaring My Pink Room

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

I am in my pink room, it looks large and empty, even though there are two others

there, it feels lonely. I again ask of the board of directors, they still refuse to speak with

me, I feel they are useless. I decided to invite my own people to my room to speak with


The record keeper seems to go pale and shrink inside himself, the head said that is not allowed and it is against the rules. I question this rule, who made it and why he can not answer me, he keeps repeating it is the rule and always has been the rule, he has been head for a long while, he says somebody above him made that rule, he could not say who.

Upon further questioning he seemed to definitely not know who made the rule. I decided this was my room, my space and I would invite who I like, I needed to be able to have a safe space to speak freely with my own people, he said to leave and find another space, but there are none safer than my space, which at times can be a beach, a forest, a lake, today it is a pink room.

I informed the head that since the board were refusing to fullfill their duties that I would create my own rules and if there was an issues then it was all too late.

Moments later I am sitting in a chair by the fireplace, I have invited my people in,

they are all sitting around the fireplace with me.

The Wizard, who is the man from the stars, when you look into his eyes you can see the stars and the universe.

The Witch, the lady from the Earth, grounded and stable.

The old man wise from many lifetimes of treading the Earth guiding the human form, teaching the human lesson.

The Earth Spirit, this is the spirit of the Earth, all planets have a spirit, without it they can not exist, there are no dead planets as all planets require a sprit to exist. How a planet is perceived by the eye of a human is not always true, for the human mind has forgotten the existence of the soul/spirit that all living things possess.

The Earth Spirit does not look like a person it just exists in the room.

All these beings are necessary for my journey, connecting everything together. Since

the breaking and the awakening I need each to guide me, to keep me on track and to also allow my spiritual senses to be awakened.

The breaking of the human training is difficult and the recent visions have reminded them all what I am capable of, including myself. They knew of the intruders, each trying to do their part to stop them and also training myself to come back into my power.

Protecting the Earth and all the beings on Earth.

My people know about the breach to my pink room, they were in shock at the level of

inflitration and how that could have even happened in the first instance. The room is now

strongly shielded, though there is worry amongst the group about future threats.

The other two who were in the room dissapeared quickly. The head was not happy

he seemed to be mumbling something about not following my path, that I am wild and unpredictable, always pushing the boundaries and breaking rules, especially those that were illlogical and there ‘just because’.

It is not that I disrespected the rules, it is that most of them are made by those who do

not understand my path. Those who have floated around watching, observing, judging, I do not like that, if you have a rule show me the experience that you have had to create it in the first instance, otherwise it will be ignored.

I will create my own rules by following the guidance of my circle, who are wiser, rather than children.

In regards to the comment about following my oath, it seems as part of my awakening

time lines were broken, the path wath determined for me if I was to remain sleeping, but that

all changed, I have future books written, all a million different varitations, some events

locked in, most flucuating, these visions themselves were not written, not seen until recently.

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