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The Pink Room

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

There are three of us in this large rectangular room, which is a dull pink colour, one

person is the head of the board of directors.

I have a giant art book with gold writing on it we are discussing the book together while siting around a large desk, which is opposite the window.

The windows are covered with opaque curtains, the type that allow you to see out but can't really see in, they are a whitish cream colour and seem weightless and perfectly


We hear something outside, a weird sort of shuffling sound.

At top left side is a door that leads outside, beside the door is a small wall, against the wall is a cupboard. I hide the large book behind the cupboard, then crouch down against the wall away from the windows, sometimes, with the right amount of light people can see in, the head of the board of directors goes to the door to ensure it is locked, the other person hides in a far corner diagonally opposite the door.

As I am sitting there with my back against the wall I see a hand come into the room, over my shoulder, two hands, one over each shoulder. The hands are long and scaly, such as a lizards scales, there are long talon like nails, they are grey and cold. The hands sit on my shoulders, the fingers come down my body, long and cold, long enough for the tips of the fingers to touch my breasts.

I scream pulling myself away from the hands.

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