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How does 'memory block' work?

She wanted me to write about something that she had forgotten about but remembered enough to ask me, as she felt it was a good example of how the 'memory block' thing she does actually works in real life.

It all began when we first met, in this lifetime, she was helping a friend who was setting up a pyramid scheme scam where she exploited vulnerable people to make them all work for her so that she didn't have to. Myself I was sucked in to this scam but in hindsight I may not have met Isabel and subsequently none of the Earth Star work would exist in this time/realm.

The woman was a classic narcissist. Charming, manipulative, selfish and self-centred, ran on her own time and expected everyone to conform to her schedule and unrealistic demands of their time and willingness, and abused them when not rushing to please her.

She actually treated Isabel fairly well in comparison to other people, seemed to have a respect for her, but did not manage to maintain it for long and it reached a point where Isabel was sick of being mucked around by demands such as "come to the beach with me, now, today, I want to talk with you" with Isabel's response being "Okay, I live at a beach, it is one block from me, come over and we can talk" but refused because she wanted Isabel to drive almost an hour to the beach she decided she wanted to summons Isabel to meet her, on her terms. Coupled with catching her out on a lie, lies do not go down well with Isabel and myself, she was done.

It was decided to erase her from Isabel's life. Blocking messages, deleting messages, unfollowing social media, blocking phone number and erasing contact, email and so on.

It was decided.

Next morning Isabel said to me something like "there was something we did last night, there is a name you need to do something with" which she named an instragram account and meant for me to delete/unfollow this one as well.

Months later there is been zero mention, she has no idea of the person's name and in many conversations she has not come up at all in the slightest gestures from Isabel.

No feelings, no grief process of the loss of a friend, absolutely deleted/hidden.

There is a vault in her pink room with many drawers/boxes of such memories, it is the key to how she is able to let go and move on without carrying karma and risking a loop.

When we hold on to memories and have an emotional attachment to the memory we become stuck in a loop. One might be able to tell from the writing of the first couple of paragraphs in this post that I have not mastered this skill, which makes it a good example of a comparison of holding on vs letting go.

This is something Earth Star is very good at, in each incarnation her human women have surprised people about how easily and quickly she has been able to move on from horrible events, such as deaths and tortures and so on, and believe me she has experienced a lot of horrible events, imagine if she carried these memories with her at all times? She'd not be able to function at all, she barely functions as it is with the people in her head and the dimensional realms she crosses day and night.

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