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"My people" are dicks

I used to call them "My People" although they call themselves "The Creators". My counterpart calls them dicks, and so does Earth Star's higher self. I, too, call them dicks now.

My first conscious encounter with these dicks was in a regression hypnotherapy session I had around 2011 where we opened a dialogue with my higher self.

We connected to one of these giant spheres of consciousness which was surrounding the earth, huge spheres which seemed even bigger than the moon, there appeared to be several of them, in latter years I learned there are 12, one of which is my higher self, one of the 12, a collective, consisting mostly of dicks.

You see, these dicks are too cowardly to face the challenge of incranating into human form. Ever. They send only the bravest of them to have a crack at living in this realm and helping poeople while the rest of the dicks sit back and criticise and watch and rarely lift a finger to help, but are always there to fuck shit up when least expected. See? Dicks.

Some years ago I stopped talking to the dicks, experiencing first hand just how little they help and just how much they fuck shit up. My counterpart stopped talking to the dicks hundreds of years ago, hundreds of years ago in his lifetime, which was some 1500 years to me now, he lived to, I believe, 368 years of age so it did take him a while, in comparison to myself, to figure out they are dicks.

We started talking to them again recently, when Earth Star and myself got married they started talking through her, to me, and were very pleased to be talking to me, they had initially said soemthing along the lines of "Finally you can hear us, it is great that we can now talk to you". However what they did was push Gaia out to the gutter and Gaia was no longer present in Earth Start's mind. Gaia did not wish for this and neither did we, but they just did it. See? Dicks.

After a couple of months we discovered that The Dicks had been messing with us and helping create conflicts with the two of us and playing games with Earth Star's subconscious triggers. When we discovered this we were most miffed and swiftly sent them on their merry way once more, esentially exorcising the dicks from Earth Star's head and she stated that she never wanted those dicks in her head ever again.

I used 'the sword' that Earth Star gave me to cut the dicks right out of the equation and sever all ties. That is a pretty bug deal given that they are also my higher self. As my higher self is also conntected to source it appears that the higher self whcih is me has broken away from the collective of dicks and we now seem to stand alone, one part connected straight to source, the other part married to the collective of Earth Star.

After the removal of the dicks we were able to establish a connection again with Gaia, which we celebrated with 'a bit of a rogering' -she is quite fond of sex- it has been a new experience and now that she has had a bit of action she's becoming quite the wee wabbit, so much that the next morning while Earth Star was meditating Gaia went and rubbed herself a quick one while Earth Star was in trance.

A week or so later Earth Star's higher self got involved with the saga of the dicks when she notivced that I was feeling very ill. Our whole family had come down with a flu but I was also quick sick in the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption. Earth Star had done a meditation where she intented to help me heal and her higher self stepped in and said not to do that becasue she needs her energy and the energy it will take to help me is quite a lot, although she can regenerate enegry very easily the energy at hand was needed for her own healing shortly. She asked why 'my people' weren't helping me and Earth Star said it was because they are dicks.

She went and confronted them. Something she rarely does, in fact she rarely even connects with anyone on our own plane either, she's a busy goddess, pretty much single handedly running the planet, being the only mature adult in this realm, she has her work cut out for herself but this means she doesn't get involved in things she doesn't have to. Today she felt she had to.

Earth Star talks about this encounter in her own blog post, but let us just say that she, too, thinks they are dicks. And if anyone can royally fuck a dick it is she. Now they are fucked. I married a badass. Seriously.

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