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The [Late] Dog

My Story

Today I witnessed something that was not lovely at all.

I was walking to get into my car, which was parked on the side of the road, when a little dog ran out from under my car onto the road and into busy traffic. I stopped traffic, thinking that I would pick up the dog from the road before something else might happen.

However the dog ran away, in the direction of my husband. He picked up the little dog and cradled it in his arms.

I was quite surprised that the dog was even able to move. The gentleman who injured the dog pulled over and so did the man behind him, both working towards trying to find the owner. The man felt guilty, but myself and the person who was behind him both said that there was nothing that he could have done, the dog darted out from under the car so quickly that he would not have seen it.

The man who witnessed the incident found the owner. He had a story about the dog, which belonged to his girlfriend's ex who is currently in gaol. He did not seem fond of the dog and mentioned that this was not the first time that it had run off and been in an accident.

When the dog was handed to the man it was plain to see that she had

died, though he still thought she may be alive, however, witnessing what I had seen, I knew better.

The man took her home to speak with his Dad about what to do next.

Upon falling asleep I reached out to look for the dog.

I knew that what I had witnessed would affect my sleep. I saw her sitting under my car, waiting for the right time.

She seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

This is her story:

The Dog's Story

This family seemed nice and lovely, but seemed to not be very fond of me, I was not

their dog -I had chosen somebody else- who it seemed I may never see again. They were kind towards me and one seems nicer to me, but my master had disappeared. I tried to help him, he was kind and gentle to me, but it seemed I could no nothing to improve his life.

I started to live with his lady friend and her new pack seemed to not like me so much.

I felt that I had done my duty, my master was lovely to me and I was there for him when he

needed me.

I had run away before, it was easy, all animals know how to if they really want to.

There were a couple of times I let the fast moving things hit me, but it never seemed to be the right time to die as people were not around to help me and I might not get found.

This time was different.

I hid under one of those fast moving things that was not moving, I waited, I could see the people coming towards me, the ones who would help me and comfort me. I had chosen these people to help me die.

There were three in this pack; the lady, the man and the manchild. I am sorry lady, you got to see me run, but my, were you brave!

It was not your job to pick me up, just to stop others hitting me. The pack leader, he

was the one I chose for comfort, I knew he could help me cross over. I felt love and respect

in his arms, I died feeling the pack leader's heart beat, before that other man touched me.

Those people they did not love me, they tolerated me (I think I got that word right?) It

was questioned, if I was wearing a coat doesn’t that mean that I am loved, but you can give a

coat to a homeless man and still not love him.

Why do animals run away? The truth is we seek love and acceptance, we run when

we have no love.

When an animal is loved and respected there is no reason to run or be scared.

What I got in my last minutes of life was love and respect.

I am sorry, lady, that you saw that, but thank you for showing me kindness.

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