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Who is Earth Star?

From what I have observed Earth Star is a spirit entity. Aren't we all? Yes.

This particular spirit appears to incarnate exclusively as a female every now and then to provide some sort of catalyst for change or direction for Earth.

Not so much a guide for humankind, she appears to care little for humans as a species, mostly because of how mixed it currently is with non-Earth souls and biology. There are Earth humans, indeed, and these she is not allowed to kill, but the invaders, different story.

Throughout history Earth Star has identified as such persons as Joan of Arc and Katerina of Alexandria, to give you an idea of the types of events she intervenes in.

Gaia appears to be made up of 5 elementals forming a collective but also the 5th elemental taking the centre role and identity as 'Gaia' by name. Gaia is the soul spirit of Earth.

The Gods of old, the pagan gods, are connected to this collective but also separate spirits to Gaia.

There are 12 "creators" which we could identify as Archangels who are separate to Earth and appear to manage the Human experience, reincarnation and soul cycles of Humans. They are absolutely not part of the Earth Star collective as they are not part of Earth. In the blog of Earth Star she has identified this group as the 'Board of Directors'. They call themselves the Creators but Earth Star scoffs at this because she was involved in their own creation in the first place.

The 'creators' also incarnate regularly as Humans too. They generally do not identify as the names of Archangels that we label them as, they simply use a number, 1-12. Cruthensiam represents group 4, Uriel.

For the first time in history Earth Star has incarnated as a mother, successfully born a child, and also married one of the creators. This union, which is joined on the upper soul levels as well as incarnate, creates a unique relationship with potential for unparraelled power, with the Son even more powerful than the two combined. The Son is also of the creator realm at the same time as of the Earth realm. Earth Star has prophesised that he is destined to become the leader of the new world.

Earth Star's lower soul spirit is able to switch timelines easily and basically jump from one to the other, a mystery that confuses even the guidance team in the control room, they find it hard to keep track of her as she appears and disappears.

She has many opponents, Earth is constantly under attack, although the human hijacking that has been going on for the past couple of hundred thousand years is not a great concern to her, she is more concerned about how it affects the spiritual development of Gaia, who can be compared to a teenage girl in the scale of human terms.

These observations come from about two years of channeled conversations, dialogies I've had directly with the entities listed above. I've had channeled conversations with Gaia, Earth Star, some of the creator groups, to name a few. Some will not be named at this time due to controversy.

Earth Star's higher self is the highest authority that can be identified as an entity. In our channelings I have been requesting (asserting? demanding?) to speak with whoever is above the one I have been talking with and so far the top of the food chain, so to speak, appears to be the higher self of Earth Star who will not be named, at most she has only ever said "ME" when I've asked who she is, and let me tell you, when she speaks, you can feel it. She's been surprised that I am not fearful of her, because everyone is, everyone, she has this power which enables her to see right through everyone and call out their deepest fears and insecurities, the mirror that all beings are afraid to look into. I'm not afraid because I am her husband, I love her, therefore have no intentions of harming, deceiving or exploiting her, partly because I know what happened the last time one of us incaranted and tricked her into giving him authority to use her power, and I'd prefer not to follow him, so have contracted that I accept the consequences should I follow his footsteps. So we try to avoid that. That amount of power can go to one's head, when one is an egotistical male, which I am, but my wife helps to keep me grounded, she and her other incarnates, her higher self steps in from time to time which is seldom pleasant because she gives people a right 'telling off'.

Earth Star's current incarnate, in this time and place, Isabel, is a messenger. Isabel is writing books about the incarntions of Earth Star and has access to all lifetimes and all timelines. Each of her incarantes are able to channel through her and tell their story through her words.

These stories form the Earth Star Series.

At the time of this blog post I'm aware of three lifetimes she has access to. Currently is writing the sotry of "The French Woman" which is four books, one of which from the perspective of my own counterpart, Cruthensiam, or, the Alchemist as she calls him/me/us.

We know of a woman who led a kingdom and an army, one whose unborn child was cut from her belly, one who drowned by suicide, all of whom have a story to tell, some are more adventurous than others but all pieces of a puzzle that tie togetehr and appear to be malleable. Yes, we seem to be able to change things in their realms, something which we must tread carefully with, but know this: The intruders that hijacked the human species go back and forth through time changing things a lot. See the other blog posts about her dreams to learn more.

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